• How to Estimate How Much Bark You'll Need

    Bark is sold in measurements of cubic yards.

    One cubic yard equals 27 cubic feet. When you purchase bark in bags, the average bag has 2 cubic feet, so it takes 13 1/2 bags to equal 1 cubic yard. The following chart will help determine your needs based on the depth you desire.




    324 sq'
    162 sq'
    108 sq'

    NOTE: Minimum depth may depend on nugget size. For example a 1" nugget requires a 2" depth.

    Round up inches to the next foot. For example 10 feet 5 inches = 11 feet.

    Total all areas and divide by the calculations shown for the depth you desire.

    For example, if your square footage is 1,620 and you want a 2" depth.

    1,620 divided by 162 = 10 yards of bark.

    Our minimum order is 9 yards.




    324 sq'
    162 sq'
    108 sq'

    NOTE: Minimum depth may depend upon nugget size.

  • Try Our Cubic Yard Calculator

Width in Feet Length in Feet Depth in Inches


NOTE: Depth is calculated in inches.
Approximate Cubic Yards Required: 

The Treasure valley's premier bark source

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